How to add a Facebook share button to your Olitt website

Facebook is a social media heavyweight that enables individuals to interact and exchange information online. Usually, you can add the Facebook share button to your site that links to your Facebook account. You clients can write a story or news feed and share in different modes provided in the dropdown menu in the popup window.

To ease off the integration process, Olitt includes Facebook share button plugin. To install this plugin, you need to provide the profile URL, profile name and id of container element to display the button.

Adding the share button

Step 1: obtain the  profile URL 

Log in to your Facebook account. Open a navigation menu at the top right. Select the first item on the menu (your account) and you are redirected to the profile page. Copy the link from the browser as shown below.

Step 2: Get the id of a container element.

 Open a new tab on your browser and log in to your Olitt account.

Once you log in to your account, select websites to enter “my websites” page. Hover the mouse cursor over the templates and select the edit template.

You can create the HTML div element or use already defined div element in your template. Scroll down and click on the section you wish to display the Facebook share button. Upon the context menu that pops up, click on the edit icon.

The id is the HTML tag attribute that uniquely identifies the element within the document/page.

Add the id on the container element selected above.

Save the changes and return to “my website” page.

From the “my website” page, click the more (…) options and select plugins. 

From the list that appears, scroll down and locate “Facebook share Button”.  Click on Expand.

Add the id element you created above, the profile name and profile URL as shown below.

 You can replace the link and profile name with yours.

Click on the “connect” button and now you should be able to see “connected” green text.

You can verify the integration by refreshing your website. If you completed the above steps successfully, you should be able to see the Facebook share button on a section where you added the container Id.

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